Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

That is right, my friends! By the time you read this email, I will be on a flight heading south to Turks and Caicos for a much needed vacation! I'm meeting my 6 best friends/roommates from college down there for an extended weekend, and then the Mister is flying down to meet me on Monday to stay the week to celebrate an early (November) 5 year wedding anniversary. I feel like it's Christmas Eve I'm so giddy!

My girlfriends from college have gotten together once a year for a reunion of sorts, which usually takes place at someone's hometown and consists of lots of talking and eating (especially Rice Krispy Treats). However, this year we decided we wanted to do something a bit bigger and found an incredible deal on (if you haven't been to this site, you must check it out!).

I look forward to these reunions every year as we are scattered all over the country, and catching up usually consists of can occasional phone chat or email. It's just not the same as seeing them in person, and I am not much of a phone person. However, I cherish these relationships because although we are not in each other's day-to-day life, we always pick it up right where we left off when we see one another.

Hanging in Central Park during our NYC reunion in 2009

It's been fun to see how life as unraveled for us all since we all met as freshmen at UNC-Chapel Hill. I may have gone a bit overboard with photos here, but I had too much fun digging up past photos (pre-Facebook days) and reminiscing over all the experiences we've had together. *WARNING - please excuse me in these photos as these were my "Freshman 15" days! It's amazing how much weight you can lose just by graduating college!

We thought we were so cute dressing up in matching pink and doing a "photo shoot" at the Old Well our freshmen year.

We spent many of nights hanging out in our dorms eating Rice Krispy Treats talking about who knows what. That is ol' Greg back there who just got married. Love your chain belt, Heath! Haha.

Beach vacations are not new to us as we took two epic beach trips in college. Our freshmen year we rented an incredible house in Destin, Florida with a larger group of friends, and then our senior year went on an amazing sailing trip down in the Caribbean for a week. So, I guess T&C would be an appropriate choice for us!

Destin, Florida freshmen year - when life was so carefree!

I am SO thankful this picture is dark so you can't see all my jiggly bits from all those Rice Krispy Treats!

Sailing trip our senior year

A lot has happened since we've graduated, and we've experienced weddings togethers, babies, new loves, new jobs, new cities, and the list could go on.

Whitley's wedding to P-diddy Parke!

Heath's wedding!

So you can see how near and dear these women are to me! I'd better scoot and finish packing as my plane leaves at 7 am! I will share photos when I get back in a week and half.

*sorry for all the Rice Krispy Treat references - we seriously ate them a lot whenever we were together.

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